STT-1 Origin

Twin Topology Channel Strip

truth in engineering

Over 130 Optimized Signal Topologies

  • Twin Mic Preamps — M-2B vacuum tube or HV-3 discrete solid state
  • Twin NSEQ-2 Mastering-Grade Parametric EQs — vacuum tube or discrete solid state
  • Three Opto Compressor/Limiter Paths — TCL vacuum tube, discrete solid state, passive
  • Twin Opto De-Esser Paths — vacuum tube or discrete solid state
  • Vacuum tube or discrete solid state line level paths
  • Input coupling with or without MIT-01 audio transformer
  • 1/4” vacuum tube DI input — route via tube or solid state gain path
  • Effortless, lifelike musical performance at all levels
  • Musically rich vacuum tubes available
  • Gold audio connectors, tube sockets, relays and switches
  • 3/8“ thick radius extruded aluminum face plate
  • Durable black laser-etched anodized finish
  • Mil spec 16 gauge cold-rolled steel chassis
  • Ultra-clean toroid power supply: internal sub-chassis
  • Hand machined aluminum knobs, illuminated IT&T pushbuttons
  • True audio VU meter for output level or dynamics gain reduction
  • Lovingly hand-crafted in Northern California
$3,595.99 US Street Price
Microphone Preamplifiers & General:
Twin Topology Mic Preamplifier Selection Switchable, Vacuum Tubes or Solid-State
Twin Topology EQ & Compressor Switchable, Vacuum Tubes or Solid-State
Twin Topology Input Coupling Switchable, Transformer or Transformerless
Maximum Output Level (Balanced) + 32 dBu
Frequency Response (+0 / -3 dB (S/S)) sub 5 Hz to beyond 300 kHz
Equivalent Input Noise -131 dBu (SS, Common Source, Direct Out)
THD + Noise (20 Hz - 22 kHz) (S/S) < .05 %, typ < .003 %
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (S/S) > 40 dB, Typ > 70 dB @ 60 Hz
Input Impedance (Mic) 6,200 ohms
Input Impedance (Line) 2,200 ohms (x2)
Input Impedance (DI - Instrument) > 1 megohm
Output Impedance (Balanced) 24.3 ohms (x2)
Parametric Equalizer:
Maximum EQ Boost/Cut Range (21 Step Detented) +/- 15 dB
EQ Frequencies,Low Range Switch (Centers - Peak/Shelf Selectable): 20, 34, 56, 100, 180, 270
Low Mid Sweep: 20 Hz - 220 Hz or 200 Hz - 2.2 kHz. 10X Range switch selectable
Hi Mid Sweep: 250 Hz - 2.5 kHz or 2.5 kHz - 25 kHz. 10X Range switch selectable
High Range Switch (Centers - Peak/Shelf Selectable) 4.8 k, 5.8 k, 8.0 k, 10 k, 16 k, 21 k
“Q” Range Q = 0.4 to 4.0 Adjustable on middle ranges
Q = 1.0 Fixed on low & high ranges
Optoelectronic Compressor/Limiter
Threshold Range Infinite to +20 dBu
Attack Range 2 ms to 100 ms
Release Range 80 ms to 3.0 s
Compression Ratio Range minimum 1.4 : 1, maximum 30 : 1
De-Essing Frequency Switch OFF, 4.9 k, 6.8 k, 8.2 k, 10.7 k , 12.0 k
Power Consumption 50 watts maximum
Power Requirements Selectable: 100-120, 200-240 V ac, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions/Shipping Weight 19” W x 3.5” H x 15.5” D, 25 lbs.
Reviews & Awards

..if you wanted to buy just one front-end processor for your recording system, the STT1 could well be the one to go for. It makes a fabulously flexible and sonically excellent input conditioner wherever analogue sources are recorded individually. It manages to combine the best attributes of the company's dedicated mic preamps with their twin-topology equaliser and compressor systems, all in one compact box. The resulting package affords huge scope for experimentation, and sounds utterly fantastic.
Hugh Robjohns, Sound on Sound

I’m an independent producer / engineer who has fallen in love with your products. I now own two 8-channel HV-3Ds and an STT-1 Origin. You’ve really got it down. Thank you for making it all work. Thank you, also, for taking the time to write decent manuals, and to ensure they’re proofread.
Chris Walla, Death Cab for Cutie

I love this box. It has a million colors, so long as you are after shades of clean. I also love the fantastic sounding EQ and piece-of-cake-to-make-sound-good compression that tracks so beautifully.
Jim Dugger

She has a huge dynamic range and they were having to ride the gain. They loved the STT-1 on the voice. She said “It’s not squashing me,” when in fact it was cutting 9 dB on her loud notes. We had to look over at the needle to verify that it was compressing her: very transparent. It retained the integrity of her voice over the full dynamic range of the compressor. The STT-1 has both depth and presence.
Jim Meyer, Bass & Vocals, Jimmy Buffet Band

I love my STT-1s. Major league sound - clean, crisp and the tubes are marvelous, just really love ‘em. I’m using a little bass roll off and barely 1 dB of compression. The compression is the finest I’ve ever heard and the EQ just blends and enhances the whole. Simply amazing. I’m using vacuum tube out on both stages, transformer out, and the loud sections just float gracefully, making the whole thing sound even better. Bravo.
Dr. Alexander Lim, DMA / Musica Records, New York

Way to go John –as usual! I shudder to think of what our sound might be like today without Millennia electronics
in the chain. Thanks a million times over.
Jack Renner, founder & chief engineer, Telarc International

I finally got a new STT-1, and I suppose there’s a million good things I could say about it, but in a nutshell, I’m really impressed with how it offers 128 shades of transparent sound. For bass, I love the tube pre for old school sound, and the J-FET pre for more modern tones, and I love the DC-to-light frequency response and infinite headroom. There’s nothing like a clean preamp. And they have more gain than a Marshall factory. I could go on and on...
Walt Hyde, Seattle, WA

The equalizer is simply wonderful on everything we ran through it, whether you¹re cutting or boosting. You might find a particular character EQ (maybe a Pultec) you like better for a given application, and there are digital equalizers that are more surgical, but it's hard to imagine any processor on the planet that can shape the sound more unobtrusively and sweetly than this one. You can crank bands way up (the range is ±15db) without it sounding the least bit electronic or harsh. Likewise subtle cuts, boosts, or shelving sound completely natural.

The STT-1 Origin is a fantastic recording channel that can be amazingly versatile. This level of gear requires a substantial investment, but in this case the price is appropriate and it's an investment in something that won't become obsolete and lose half its value before you get it home. Nick Batzdorf, Editor, Recording Magazine Review 2001

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