
Two Channel Vacuum Tube Microphone Preamplifier

truth in engineering

The World’s Most Elegant Tube Mic Preamplifier

  • Musical, involving, euphonic
  • High speed transformerless, pure Class A, 350 volt
  • triode design
  • Differential topology: no attenuator “pads” required
  • Effortless dynamics, vividly realistic ambience
  • >35 dBu output headroom
  • High resolution gain control
  • Precision potentiometers, ultra-premium components
  • Built for critical professional applications
  • Gold audio connectors, tube sockets, and relays
  • 3/8“ thick radius extruded aluminum face plate
  • Durable mirror-gloss anodized finish
  • Mil spec 16 gauge cold-rolled steel chassis
  • Ultra-clean toroid power supply: internal sub-chassis
  • Hand machined aluminum knobs,
  • illuminated IT&T push buttons
  • Richly musical vintage vacuum tubes available
  • Mogami Neglex OFC audio wiring
  • Silver Teflon power wiring
Minimum Gain 14 dB
Maximum Gain (3 ranges with continuous trim) 50 dB
Frequency Response (+0 / -3 dB) 4 Hz to 130 kHz
Noise (50 dBu Gain, 10 Hz - 30 kHz, 150 ohm Source) -116 dB EIN
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (30 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz Bandwidth, 0 dBu Out) < .02%
Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hz & 7 kHz) 35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out < .0009%
Phase Response (35 dB Gain, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, +26 dBu Out) < 10 degrees deviation
Phase Response, Stereo Deviation (35 dB Gain, 20 Hz - 40 kHz, +27 dBu Out) < 1 degree
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (30 dB Gain, 1 kHz, 100 mV C.M.) > 60 dB
Slew Rate (35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out) > 20 Volts per microsecond
Maximum Input Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz, 14 dB Gain) +20 dBu (no attenuator pads required)
Maximum Output Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz, 10 kilohm Min. Load) > +35 dBu
Interchannel Crosstalk (30 dB Gain, 1 kHz, 0 dBu Both Outputs) < 70 dB
30 dB Gain, 1 kHz, 0 dBu Both Outputs < 70 dB
Phantom Input Impedance 3.800 ohms
Output Impedance 120 ohms
DPA (B&K) Mic Powering +130 V dc max, (non-phantom)
Phantom Powering +48 V dc, +/- 2 V dc
Power Consumption 50 watts maximum
Power Requirements Selectable: 100-120, 200-240 V ac, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions/Shipping Weight 19” W x 3.5” H x 12” D, 26 lbs..
Reviews & Awards

The sound is great -- sweet, refined, full of dynamics - fabulous on grand piano.
Tony Faulkner, Greenroom Productions, UK owner of HV-3D and M-2B preamplifiers

Guitar, violin, flutes and other instruments in stereo array with Schoeps sound so pure, sweet and spacey. I especially love the tube preamp (M-2b) with the transformer engaged sometimes. Really a happy day and hopefully many happy days yet to come... It was preceded by two months of communication with Millennia and John La Grou - and he was so kind to me, answering all possible questions and being extremely helpful.
I. Solace [in the George Massenburg Forum,
6 Oct 2003]

This is an outstanding mic preamp. I’ve never heard our mics sound this clean on piano. We’ve been using our [46 channels of] Millennia preamps on everything...
Jack Renner, President, Telarc Records International

A couple of experienced recording engineers here in DC thought my combination of Schoeps m222b tube mic and M-2b preamp was the greatest front end they had ever heard.
Steve Cormier

“The M-2b is an audio masterpiece. Tube technology at it’s finest- which in my book means audio technology at it’s finest! Our first choice for vocals and piano. If we owned more channels, the M-2b would probably be first-choice on everything until we ran out of them! Like everything from John La Grou’s workbench, the M-2b is built like a fine watch. A pleasure to hear, see, and touch.”
Randy Ezratty, Effanel Music, Inc.

Still mesmerized each time we listen to this thing - the more we do with it, the more harmonics jump outta this thing! And it isn’t even broken IN yet! It’s just absolute insanity. Compliments to the chef.
Ira Segall

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