Two Channel Microphone Preamplifier

truth in engineering

Authentic Transparency for Unrestricted Creativity

  • Unsurpassed ambience retrieval
  • Transformerless design with matched hi-speed discrete transistor octet has +23 dBu input headroom: no attenuator “pads” needed
  • Uncolored timbral accuracy at all dynamic levels
  • Entirely balanced audio path with precision components maintains signal integrity: THD under 5 ppm (.0005%)
  • Effortless, vividly realistic musical performance
  • Laser-trimmed FET-based output stage has +32 dBu headroom: drives 1000 foot (300 m) cable runs with ease
  • Standard 36-step gain controls (1.5 dB per step) are stereo matched to .08 dB
  • Ultra-clean universal power supply life-rated for over 500,000 hours MTBF (90-240VAC)
  • Grayhill mil-spec gold switching
  • Mogami Neglex OFC audio wiring
  • Silver Teflon power wiring
  • Welded 16 gauge steel rack chassis
  • Lovingly hand-crafted in Northern California

$2,250 US Street Price


  • Ribbon optimized DC coupled input - $100/channel
  • Extra 10dB gain - no charge
  • DPA 130V input  - $300/channel
Minimum Gain 8.5 dB
Maximum Gain (1.5 dB per step, 36 steps) 60 dB (up to 70 dB on request)
Frequency Response (+0 / -3 dB) sub 8 Hz to beyond 300 kHz (sub 3 Hz by request)
Noise (60 dBu Gain, 10 Hz - 30 kHz, Inputs common) -133 dB EIN
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out) < .001%, Typ. < .0005% (< 5 ppm)
Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hz & 7 kHz) 35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out < .0009%
Phase Response (35 dB Gain, 50 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out) < 2 degrees deviation
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, 100 mV C.M.) > 65 dB, Typ > 85 dB
Slew Rate (35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out) > 25 Volts per microsecond
Maximum Input Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz) +23 dBu (no attenuator pads required)
Maximum Output Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz) +32 dBu
Phantom Input Impedance (1 kHz) 6,750 ohms
Output Impedance 24.3 Ohms (x2)
DPA (B&K) Mic Powering +130 V dc max, (non-phantom)
Phantom Powering +48 V dc, +/- 4 V dc
Power Consumption 12 watts maximum
Power Requirements 100V to 240V, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions/Shipping Weight 19” W x 1.75” H x 12” D, 15 lbs..
Reviews & Awards

“My jaws fell open when I first switched to the HV-3 Series stereo mic pre. Its presence and clarity were outstanding. A solo voice sounded extremely immediate, and had an almost palpably “real” quality. The low end was very tight, showed good extension and “slam,” while the high end was detailed in the extreme, without the least amount of harshness...”
Pro Audio Review

“Of all the instruments we tested, the Millennia Media HV-3 Series stereo mic pre was the hands down winner in the category of accuracy. On acoustic guitar, the Millennia lent a clear, uncolored, neutral, and detailed sound. Piano sounded the most realistic to our ears through the Millennia. Furthermore, the ride cymbal was more transparent and detailed... the Millennia preamp would be our hands down first choice for recording a classical ensemble straight to two-track. It was the most accurate (i.e., it sounded the least colored) on acoustic guitar, vocal, and piano.”
Recording Magazine [blind listening test of nine professional microphone preamplifiers]

This is an outstanding mic preamp. I’ve never heard our mics sound this clean on piano. We’ve been using our [46 channels of] Millennia preamps on everything...
Jack Renner, President, Telarc Records International

“...The HV-3 Series stereo mic pre provided an absolutely faithful rendition of the microphone’s sound, without imparting any coloration of its own... An excellent value offering impeccable audio specs, first-rate construction, and sonic transparency under any conditions. The Millennia Media HV-3 is... for those who seek absolute purity in reproduction.”
MIX Magazine, George Petersen, Editorial Director

“The Millennia HV-3 stereo mic pre sounds best of the units evaluated. We found the HV-3... to be transparent in the extreme. The security of such a large dynamic range, excellent quality, etc. will be hard to beat....”
Studio Sound UK

“The best-sounding piano recording I’ve ever done. The detail and sense of immediacy was phenomenal... the coolest, quietest vocal chain I’ve ever hooked up in my studio. There was no end to the headroom.”
EQ Magazine

“For sonic accuracy, transparency, and realism (i.e. least amount of coloration), the HV-3 leads the pack. This is the unit I’d choose for live stereo recordings of jazz, classical, or any other style of music for which sonic realism is desirable. The precisely stepped gain controls make it a snap to match stereo levels, and the high headroom allows for dynamic surprises... The last word in clean, accurate, transparent audio.”
Electronic Musician Magazine [in-depth blind listening test of numerous mic preamps]

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