Eight Channel Remote Mic Preamplifier

truth in engineering

Unrestricted Capacity, Uncompromised Clarity

  • Control up to 792 channels (99 units) at once via Ethernet: TCP/IP addressing allows control via the Internet
  • Plug ‘n play Pro Tools interface via MIDI
  • Dante, AES and MADI output options
  • AElogic Windows software offers total control
  • Hi-definition meters, unlimited groups, scene management, voltage/temperature monitoring...
  • Transformerless design with matched hi-speed discrete transistor octet has +23 dBu input headroom: no “pads” needed
  • Entirely balanced audio path with precision components maintains signal integrity: THD under 5 PPM (.0005%)
  • Effortless, vividly realistic musical performance
  • Laser-trimmed FET-based output stage has 32 dB headroom: drives 1000 foot (300m) cable runs with ease
  • Gain controls (1 dB per step) on all channels are-matched to .08 dB
  • Ultra-clean toroid power supply
  • Mogami Neglex OFC audio wiring, silver Teflon power wiring
  • Aluminum 16 gauge rack chassis
$5,002.99 US Street Price (2020)
Minimum Gain 8.5 dB
Maximum Gain (1 dB per step) 80 dB
Frequency Response (+0 / -3 dB) sub 3 Hz to beyond 300 kHz
Noise (60 dBu Gain, 10 Hz - 30 kHz, Inputs common) -133 dB EIN
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise ( 35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out) < .001%, Typ. < .0005% (< 5 ppm)
Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hz & 7 kHz), 35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out) < .0009%
Phase Response (35 dB Gain, 50 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out) < 2 degrees deviation
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, 100 mV C.M.) > 65 dB, Typ > 85 dB
Slew Rate (35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out) > 25 Volts per microsecond
Maximum Input Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz) +23 dBu (no attenuator pads required)
Maximum Output Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz) +32 dBu
Phantom Input Impedance (1 kHz) 6,750 ohms
Output Impedance 24.3 Ohms (x2)
DPA (B&K) Mic Powering +130 V dc max, (non-phantom)
Phantom Powering +48 V dc, +/- 4 V dc
Power Consumption 45 watts maximum
Power Requirements Selectable: 100-120, 200-240 V ac, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions/Shipping Weight 19" W x 3.5" H x 16" D, 19 lbs.
Reviews & Awards

As a standalone 8-channel preamplifier the HV3-R is deeply impressive enough. When you add to that the flexibility of two different types of remote control operation, the sheer scalability of the system to deliver a whopping 384 channels of operation (if your pockets are deep enough), and Millennia Media has succeeded in delivering a product that will integrate seamlessly into a variety of modern production scenarios, while remaining true to the core values of that pristine audio path.
Jon Thornton, Resolution Magazine

I absolutely loved working with the HV-3R. I was repeatedly spoiled by the quality of my tracks and the different ways I could set up and control the unit.
Kevin Becka, MIX

The sound is great -- sweet, refined, full of dynamics - fabulous on grand piano.
Tony Faulkner, Greenroom Productions, UK owner of HV-3D and M-2B preamplifiers

The HV-3D is one of the finest pieces of gear with which I have ever had the pleasure to work. I use three of them to record the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center, with spectacular results.
Charles Lawson, Senior Recording/Production Engineer, WETA Radio, Washington, DC

This is an outstanding mic preamp. I’ve never heard our mics sound this clean on piano. We’ve been using our [46 channels of] Millennia preamps on everything...
Jack Renner, President, Telarc Records International

Our HV-3D is primarily dedicated to making a great drum sound instantly available. It’s truly a beautiful thing and it sounds awesome... The HV-3D has added so much more to the feeling of creativity in our studio and I just want to say thanks for making such a great unit. It’s a solid piece of work, looks great and it sounds amazing - I’m in love!
John Haggins, DigiNote Studio, Miami Beach, FL

“For the HBO Live Broadcast of The Rolling Stones from Madison Square Garden 1/18/03, we used 82 channels of HV-3s on stage to drive about 800 feet of wire five stories down to the Silver Truck. I am absolutely amazed at how good it sounded with that length of cable! Those HV-3s could drive the Atlantic phone cable to London!”
David Hewitt, Chief Engineer, Remote Recording Services

I like to get on tape (or on hard disc) what I hear in the room. When I was looking for a new mic pre, the main concerns were - no colouration, transparency and the lowest possible noise floor and reliability, because we record 360 days a year. I simply could not find anything better than the HV-3D.
Jörg Mayr, Audio Engineer, Music Producer Vienna Symphonic Library

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